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PayPal for Elementor Pro Form
Updated over 5 months ago

With Paypal for Elementor Pro Form, you can securely collect online payments from your clients and visitors through Paypal, which is one of the most reliable payment systems in the world.

Use Cases for Paypal for Elementor Pro Form

  • Receive Payments for Product or Service Sales

  • Receive Donations

  • Receive Payment for Virtual Products

  • Receive Payment for Downloadable Products

Prerequisites for Using Paypal For Elementor Pro Form

You should set the API.

Creating a Basic Elementor Form to Receive Payments

To receive payments you need to first create a basic form using Paypal Field Type.

Item Name: It can be a static product name or may come dynamically from ACF when used in Post Type Template

Transaction Currency: Make sure you choose the currency for your item value by navigating to Dynamic Content > API > Paypal

Item Value: Item Value can also be static and dynamic depending on the use case

  • Fixed Amount (Best for Landing Pages)

  • Variable Amount (For Custom Post Pages coming via ACF)

  • Custom Amount (Best for Donations)

Make sure to toggle the Paypal field as required so the form is not sent if PayPal payment is not done.

Then there is the Item description, the Item number(SKU), and Order Approval Message. You can keep the further two based on use cases.


The item description as a whole cannot exceed a length of 127, make sure it's not too long.

Using PDF Generator to generate a PDF with an order placed

You can follow this tutorial to further generate a PDF and send it to your customer for download.


If you take the order name or amount dynamically from another field in the form than you must make sure that those fields are neither empty nor invalid. If they are then the PayPal button will not work.

PayPal Order Workflow

When the user clicks on the PayPal button the user goes through the PayPal order workflow. When this is finished successfully the payment is approved but not executed (captured). The user receives the message "Your PayPal order has been approved. Please submit the form to complete this payment.", this message can be changed in the settings. Only when the form is actually submitted is the payment executed. In the space between the end of the PayPal workflow and the submit of the form the user can change form fields. It can even change the form field that dynamically determine the amount of the payment. But there are measures in place to prevent an inconsistency: After submit a check is made to ensure the value of the form field that determines the amount of the payment is the same as the actual payment amount. If this is not the case the form results in an error.

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