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Dynamic Posts - Skin - Grid with Filters
Updated over 3 years ago

"Grid with Filters" is a skin type in Dynamic Posts that lets you display posts with a filterable option. In other words, you can allow your visitors to filter the post grids based on the filters.

Filters Customization Options

Filters Alignment: to align the filters for desktop and mobile

Data Filters (Taxonomy): to choose the filter taxonomy. whether you want it for categories, tags, or any other taxonomies in your WordPress website.

Use first level terms: to use the first level terms from the taxonomy.

Data Filters(Selected Terms): to show only the specified/desired taxonomy in filters

Order by: to order the filters sequence

Sorting: whether to make the order ascending or descending

Add "All" Filter: whether to show all the items under the "All" filter

All Text: to change the filter text from "All" (default) to something else

Separator: to use the separator like |, -, /, between the data filters

Empty Terms: whether to show/hide filter taxonomy having any value.

Note: This filter works only for the items loaded on the current page because it is a JS filter. If you need a filter based on the database you can use Search and Filter

Filters Styling Options

You can easily style your filter's text color, background color, hover color, filters spacing, padding, margin, and vertical shift separator.

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