Save for Elementor Pro Form
Updated over a week ago

Enabling this Elementor PRO Form Extension you can find another new "Actions After Submit" called Save.

Add it to "Add Action" multi-select and the new Save Section will appear.

Use Cases

With save for Elementor Pro Form you can accept new Posts entries in any post type, new Users Entries, new Terms Entries, and Option entries by the users via Elementor Forms. You can also allow them to update the existing entries by current page or by specific ID.


You can choose how to Save the Form Submission data, like:

  • Post, as a common WordPress Post, of the Type you prefer and optionally related to a specific Term;

  • Term, as Term of the selected Taxonomy;

  • User, as User with a specific Role;

  • Option, like a WordPress global Option.

All extra Fields will be stored in DB associated with a selected type as Meta.

  • Ignore Empty fields, skip empty Fields to preserve DB from creating useless rows in Meta table;

  • Save Files as Media, all Form File Fields will be added to the Media Library and will be saved their new ID instead of the file URL;

  • Save Multiple as Array, convert the multiple submitted values in the array, it works for Checkbox, Select Multiple, and File Upload fields;

  • Redirect To, redirect the user to a new Object after the submission (not available for Option);

  • Anonimous data, remove submitter User info like IP, username;

  • Update existent data, update the object (Post, User, Term, or Option) if it still exists instead of creating a new one;

  • Metas, if empty (or "No field") will save all fields as extra object Meta Fields, otherwise, you can select from a dropdown the interested fields (for Option those are the Option keys).

Save as POST

Some specific extra settings are:

  • Update existent data select Post, where you can set the ID or select the Post from a dropdown if empty will update the current Post

To create a new Post is a good ruleset:

  • Title, the post title, indispensable to recognize it in a list

  • Content, optional, the Post Content can be empty

  • Type, can set any type available, we suggest creating a new dedicated Type (with PODS or similar) that let easily consult them, the default type is "dce_elementor_form"

  • Term, optionally you can assign a specific Term to new Post

  • Status, set Post State as Published or Draft

  • Current Post as Parent, very useful to retrieve all Posts generated from this Post

On each Settings you can set a mix from static text, Elementor Form Field Shortcode (like [field id="name"]) and Tokens (like [form:name] or [date|Y]).

Save as USER

This let to Create a new User or Update an existing User:

  • Update existent data select User, where you can search a User from a dropdown if empty will update the currently logged-in user.

  • Auto Login, when the visitor submits the form and creates his own User it will be automatically logged in. Then the page needs to be refreshed to update page data that can change based on User info, we suggest so to use Redirect after this form submission.

To create a new User is a good ruleset:

  • UserName, optional, if empty it will be auto-generated, but if you set it manually it needs to be unique

  • Email, required, on save the extension will check if the submitted email is just used by another user returning an error

  • Password, optional, if empty it will be auto-generated

  • Role, assign a default Role capability to the new User or Add/Set the Role to existent User

With this extension and Elementor PRO, you can manage all User processes of Registration, Login, and Update.

On each setting, you can set a mix from static text, Elementor Form Field Shortcode, like [field id="name"], and Tokens, like [form:name] or [date|Y].

Notice: Save for Elementor Pro Form can create users only if you set the "Membership" setting to "Anyone can register" on WordPress General Settings

Save as TERM

This let to Create a new Term or Update the existing Term:

  • Update existent data select Term, where you can search a Term from a dropdown if empty will update the Term if the form is in a Term page

To generate a new Taxonomy Term, based on this data:

  • Name, the name is the most important data that identify the Term;

  • Description, optional, is the main content of the Term;

  • Taxonomy, the Taxonomy with which to associate the new Term;

The Taxonomy Term will be generated without a parent, on the first level.

On each Settings you can set a mix from static text, Elementor Form Field Shortcode (like [field id="name"]) and Tokens (like [form:name] or [date|Y]).

Save as Option

Every field will be stored in an option table using its Custom ID as Option key, so it's useful to select from the "Meta" setting the only wanted fields which will be stored as Options.

This let to Create a new Option or Update existent Options:

  • Update existent data, (WARNING) if this setting is not activated the option will be not updated if it's just existing.

Read saved entries from the backend

If you saved form entries to DB then you can manage from the standard WordPress admin area.

We suggest creating a new dedicated CPT for these form-generated Posts.

To view all Post (or User or Term) Meta information in the admin area simply add a new field with the same Key (Meta Key need to be the same as the Field Custom ID) with PODS (or ACF) to the used CPT for Post or to User or Taxonomy.

You have to set the Form Field Custom ID

with the same ACF Field Name (or PODS Name) as configured in ACF or PODS) Settings.

Saving ACF field values that are in a group

In order to save data in a field that is under a group, simply use: groupID_fieldID in the form field ID that you want to save as meta.

Meta Key Filter

You might want to save a meta key that has a different name than the field name. You can do this with the following filter:

apply_filters( 'dynamicooo/form-save/meta-key', $field_name, $form_name );
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