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Regex Match Dynamic Shortcode

Learn how to use the Regex Match Dynamic Shortcode to perform regular expression pattern matching on strings within your content.

Updated over 5 months ago

The Regex Match Dynamic Shortcode allows you to perform regular expression pattern matching on strings. This powerful tool enables you to check if a given string matches a specified regular expression pattern, returning a boolean result. It's particularly useful for complex string validation, search operations, or conditional content display based on pattern matching.


{regex-match:pattern string}

The shortcode takes two required arguments:

1. pattern: The regular expression pattern to match against.

2. string: The string to be checked against the pattern.

Key arguments:

This shortcode does not use any key arguments.


Basic pattern matching:

{regex-match:"/[a-z]+/" "hello"}

This example checks if the string "hello" matches the pattern [a-z]+, which represents one or more lowercase letters. It will return true.

Checking for a specific format:

{regex-match:'/^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$/' "123-45-6789"}

This example validates if the string "123-45-6789" matches the pattern for a US Social Security Number format (XXX-XX-XXXX). It will return true.

Email validation:

{regex-match:'/^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/' ""}

This example checks if the string "" matches a basic email format pattern. It will return true.

Using the result in an if statement:

{if:{regex-match:'/^[A-Z]{2}\d{4}$/' "AB1234"} [Display if match] [No match]}

This example uses the regex-match result within an if statement. It checks if the string "AB1234" matches a pattern of two uppercase letters followed by four digits. If it matches, "Display if match" will be shown; otherwise, "No match" will be displayed.

Special privileges

The Regex Match Dynamic Shortcode does not require any special privileges and can be used in any context where Dynamic Shortcodes are supported.

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