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PDF Button - JS Converter
Updated over a week ago

JS Converter in PDF Button widget, allows you to use JS Library for PDF Generation.

Using this converter a class called "dce-pdf-printing" is added to the body, so you can style or hide an element with CSS.

Using the JavaScript Converter

JS converter is especially useful for those working with short content, ideally fitting on a single page.

You must take the length of the document into account when deciding which converter to use. The JS converter is incredibly accurate, but should only be utilized for documents that can fit comfortably on a single page. On the contrary, if you have larger documents spanning multiple pages, it is best to use one of the other converters.
โ€‹The JS converter uses the html2canvas library, which is often not reliable. We provide it hoping that it will be useful but unfortunately, we cannot fix the problems of the underlying library. If you need more reliability you should use the HTML converter with handwritten HTML code.

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