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Updated over a year ago

Object Type

These are the basic Object types natively supported by WordPress:

  • Posts, like Posts, Pages and CPT;

  • Users, like Subscribers, Admins, Editors, etc;

  • Terms, the Taxonomies Terms related to Posts.


Show single result item as:

  • Fields, for a simple listing of selected fields;

  • HTML, for a fully custom block structure;

  • Template, for an advanced visualization;

Modify as:

  • Grid, for a clean and ordered visual effect, you can choose how many columns per row;

  • Table, select the fields that will be the table columns, enable DataTables and get the best visualization for data;

  • List, a simple Ordered or Unordered list for your result.


Display a custom Text which contains:

  • [QUERY:page], the current Page;

  • [QUERY:start], the index of the first element in this page;

  • [QUERY:end], the index of the last element in this page;

  • [QUERY:total], the element count of all results.

Here you can use custom HTML and Tokens.

Position, you can display the Count block:

  • Before the results;

  • After the results;

  • Both.



  • Post Type, like Page, Post or your CPT;

  • Taxonomy Terms, filtered by relation with selected Terms;

  • Dynamic, from WP_Query, useful in archive pages.


  • Role, filtered users by his role;


  • Taxonomy;

  • Empty terms.

IDs are excluded from results.


Set all the filters you need using comparison to fields:

  • Native fields, like title, author, first_name, email, name, description, parent and more;

  • Meta fields, every metadata related to objects, like roles, post thumbnail, acf fields, pods fields and more;

  • Post Taxonomy Terms / User Roles.

Compare every field you want with all SQL operators:
'=', '!=', '>', '>=', '

Exposed Form

Let the user decide what results to see with a simple filter form, built from all fields and taxonomies.

It extends the Where filter section, but with the dynamic values decided by the user.

  • Exposed Fields, the filters you want to able user dependent

  • Form Title, a title rendered on the top of the Form

  • Show result, show the results from the first visualization, before a user interaction

  • Use Ajax, display results without page refresh

Form Action

  • Show Reset, add a Reset button to the Form, to clean user data entry returning to default values;

  • Submit Text, the text inside the Form button;

  • Column Width, the responsive size of the column which contains the Action buttons.

For each Filter (aka Exposed Fields) we can set multiple options:


  • Filter, the Field or Taxonomy based on the filter;

  • Has Sub Fields, activate it if the Field is an array and you need to compare its subfield;

  • Label, the showed Label of this Field in the Form;

  • Type, the Field type;

  • AUTO, automatically detect the best choice for this type of field;

  • Text, a simple Text input;

  • Select, Radio, Checkbox, a list of selectable values in a Select/Radio/Checkbox input.

  • Value, you can select the format to define the Label and Value of a single option;

  • like ACF in value|Label;

  • like Elementor PRO Form in Label|value (use this with Query Token and filter "options").

  • Operator, the values or logic comparison;

  • Combination, AND or OR combination with previous filters;

  • Required, requires a data input by the user.


  • Preselect, the default value of the Input or Select, you can use the "value" filter to set a dynamic value with Tokens.

  • Empty option label, if the field is not required and it is a Select/Radio/Checkbox, it could be the Empty choice;

  • Hint, a short description of the field as help to user in data entry;

  • Placeholder, the visible text when the Text input is empty.


  • Column Width, the responsive width of column with the field;

  • Classes, on Wrapper, on the Label and on the Field Input, for a quick stylization with Css Frameworks.

Group By

Group results by a Field, like a Yeas, Author, Taxonomies or any meta.

  • Show Heading, before each group;

  • Heading text, the representative name of the group, you can use Tokens and select the HTML display Tag;

  • Classes, a custom classes applied to the Wrapper and the Heading.

Order By

Sort your results by:

  • Field (in ASC or DESC direction);

  • Random.

Exposed Sort

Let the user sort the result by the field you decide, like Name, Price, Date, etc;
It automatically generates a simple exposed Sort select;
that you can fill with custom Classes to the Wrapper or on the Labels.

Limit (Pagination)

  • Start from (offset), the first x result will be ignored on the views, by default is 0, so will start from the first;

  • Max allowed result displayed, if you want to limit the result number to a specific amount, it can be useful when you get hundreds of results;

  • Pagination, enable pagination;

  • Result per page, how many result will be rendered per each page;

  • Page Limit, generate a pagination with a max amount of pages, let empty or 0 for no limitation;

  • Shorten, for a limited visualization of pages, for a space problem to render all the pages number;

  • Previous Label, the text label with the link to previous page;

  • Next Label, the text label with the link to next page.

Fallback (for no results)

If your filter gets no results, you can set an alternative content:

  • HTML text, like a "Sorry, no results here"

  • Template, with a static message or also an alternative View (like "Sorry, no results but we recommend this products ...".

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