Object Type
These are the basic Object types natively supported by WordPress:
Posts, like Posts, Pages and CPT;
Users, like Subscribers, Admins, Editors, etc;
Terms, the Taxonomies Terms related to Posts.
Show single result item as:
Fields, for a simple listing of selected fields;
HTML, for a fully custom block structure;
Template, for an advanced visualization;
Modify as:
Grid, for a clean and ordered visual effect, you can choose how many columns per row;
Table, select the fields that will be the table columns, enable DataTables and get the best visualization for data;
List, a simple Ordered or Unordered list for your result.
Display a custom Text which contains:
[QUERY:page], the current Page;
[QUERY:start], the index of the first element in this page;
[QUERY:end], the index of the last element in this page;
[QUERY:total], the element count of all results.
Here you can use custom HTML and Tokens.
Position, you can display the Count block:
Before the results;
After the results;
Post Type, like Page, Post or your CPT;
Taxonomy Terms, filtered by relation with selected Terms;
Dynamic, from WP_Query, useful in archive pages.
Role, filtered users by his role;
Empty terms.
IDs are excluded from results.
Set all the filters you need using comparison to fields:
Native fields, like title, author, first_name, email, name, description, parent and more;
Meta fields, every metadata related to objects, like roles, post thumbnail, acf fields, pods fields and more;
Post Taxonomy Terms / User Roles.
Compare every field you want with all SQL operators:
'=', '!=', '>', '>=', '
Exposed Form
Let the user decide what results to see with a simple filter form, built from all fields and taxonomies.
It extends the Where filter section, but with the dynamic values decided by the user.
Exposed Fields, the filters you want to able user dependent
Form Title, a title rendered on the top of the Form
Show result, show the results from the first visualization, before a user interaction
Use Ajax, display results without page refresh
Form Action
Show Reset, add a Reset button to the Form, to clean user data entry returning to default values;
Submit Text, the text inside the Form button;
Column Width, the responsive size of the column which contains the Action buttons.
For each Filter (aka Exposed Fields) we can set multiple options:
Filter, the Field or Taxonomy based on the filter;
Has Sub Fields, activate it if the Field is an array and you need to compare its subfield;
Label, the showed Label of this Field in the Form;
Type, the Field type;
AUTO, automatically detect the best choice for this type of field;
Text, a simple Text input;
Select, Radio, Checkbox, a list of selectable values in a Select/Radio/Checkbox input.
Value, you can select the format to define the Label and Value of a single option;
like ACF in value|Label;
like Elementor PRO Form in Label|value (use this with Query Token and filter "options").
Operator, the values or logic comparison;
Combination, AND or OR combination with previous filters;
Required, requires a data input by the user.
Preselect, the default value of the Input or Select, you can use the "value" filter to set a dynamic value with Tokens.
Empty option label, if the field is not required and it is a Select/Radio/Checkbox, it could be the Empty choice;
Hint, a short description of the field as help to user in data entry;
Placeholder, the visible text when the Text input is empty.
Column Width, the responsive width of column with the field;
Classes, on Wrapper, on the Label and on the Field Input, for a quick stylization with Css Frameworks.
Group By
Group results by a Field, like a Yeas, Author, Taxonomies or any meta.
Show Heading, before each group;
Heading text, the representative name of the group, you can use Tokens and select the HTML display Tag;
Classes, a custom classes applied to the Wrapper and the Heading.
Order By
Sort your results by:
Field (in ASC or DESC direction);
Exposed Sort
Let the user sort the result by the field you decide, like Name, Price, Date, etc;
It automatically generates a simple exposed Sort select;
that you can fill with custom Classes to the Wrapper or on the Labels.
Limit (Pagination)
Start from (offset), the first x result will be ignored on the views, by default is 0, so will start from the first;
Max allowed result displayed, if you want to limit the result number to a specific amount, it can be useful when you get hundreds of results;
Pagination, enable pagination;
Result per page, how many result will be rendered per each page;
Page Limit, generate a pagination with a max amount of pages, let empty or 0 for no limitation;
Shorten, for a limited visualization of pages, for a space problem to render all the pages number;
Previous Label, the text label with the link to previous page;
Next Label, the text label with the link to next page.
Fallback (for no results)
If your filter gets no results, you can set an alternative content:
HTML text, like a "Sorry, no results here"
Template, with a static message or also an alternative View (like "Sorry, no results but we recommend this products ...".