You can use it in dedicated templates. Formatting the first one will work for all the other posts that use this template. You can also use it on a page, and its associated image will be displayed.
Basic Features
These are featured basic configuration possibilities:
Image Size, the crop size;
CSS Effects;
Link to.
Size (Width);
The Maximum Height;
Filters Css;
Blend Mode;
Border Type;
Border Radius;
Box Shadow.
Extended Features
Enabling the background option transforms the image into a background and creates a uniform frame.
If you enable "Extended Background", you can use the featured image as a natural background. This allows you to add text and other content to it.
You can set a colored overlay or an image used as a pattern over the featured image.
If you set the image to be clickable, you activate the rollover, so you'll be able to change several effects:
a background color;
the overlay variation by color and transparency;
the variation of the filters (blur, hue, lightness, etc.);
activate an animation for the entire object;
a zoom effect that magnifies the image slightly when hovering over it.
If, by chance, you still haven't associated an image to your post, you can set a placeholder image to avoid an empty space.
If the image is clickable and has a link, you can use the following options:
the post it is in (Useful when you're using it on a template in a Dynamic Post widget);
the Media File itself, which will open in the lightbox;
ACF-URL (if you use Advanced Custom Fields, you can use URL metadata stored in the post);
the home page;
a custom URL (static page).
Another source post
You'll find an extra tab called Settings, where you can select a different data source. By enabling this option, you can set the image of a different post to be shown instead of the current image.