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Dynamic Tag - Token
Updated over a week ago

From Dynamic Content for Elementor v3.0.0, Tokens have been deprecated and replaced by the more powerful and versatile Dynamic Shortcodes plugin.

Users of Dynamic Content for Elementor can benefit from a special version of the Dynamic Shortcodes plugin, included with their license, which automatically integrates and offers advanced features at no additional cost. More info...

Dynamic Tags are an Elementor functionality that normally is activated only with Elementor PRO installed but you can use our Dynamic Tags on the free version, too.

We force to use the Dynamic Tags functionality on each setting that supports it, on our Widgets, in Elementor native Widgets, and 3rd party Widgets too.

On each Text, Number, and Textarea you will able to render them Dynamically simply by clicking on Dynamic Tags and select what you need.

Please read the official guide for more information.

With Token you can render whatever you want, a Post field, User data, Site info, etc.

Also, WordPress Shortcodes are supported.

Wizard mode

By enabling it, you can create the Token in an easier way.

Once generated you can show the Token code, so you can re-use it elsewhere

In some cases, like in Media Controls, you have to return structured data (an array with URL, ID, etc), so you have to enable it for a working result.


There are several Tokens object available:

  • Post, to retrieve data from the current Post;

  • User, to retrieve data from current logged User;

  • Term, to retrieve data from the current Term (in Term Archive page or the Post Terms);

  • Option, to retrieve data from site Options;

  • WP Query, to retrieve data from the main loop query;

  • Date, to generate a date;

  • System, to retrieve data from the System (like a parameter, a server configuration, or constant);

  • ACF, to retrieve data from an ACF Field.

Each of them has more specific configurations.

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