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ACF Google Maps - Query
Updated over 3 years ago

Create a Map Based on Dynamic Points

Using ACF GoogleMaps Field on a specific Post Type like "Stores", you can fetch the coordinates saved for each post and generate a multi-marker Map.

1 - Create the Custom Post Type (for example Stores), if you'd like you can also organize the posts with Taxonomies for filtering based on your needs.

2 - Create the ACF Field of type [GoogleMap] and associate it to your CPT.

3 - Create a Page dedicated to the Stores archive visualization, where you can insert the ACF Map Widget with the setting [Use Query] and the setting [TAXONOMY] for more results filtering.

From an ACF Relationship Field.

From a Custom list of Specific Posts.

Repeater Type

Create an ACF Repeater with this configuration, where the Repeater field contains a Google Map subfield.

Select Data Type as ACF Map Field,
Select the ACF Map Field (the subfield of your repeater)
and enable Multilocations

Now a new setting section will appear,
where you can choose Repeater as Query Type,
and select the Repeater Field.

You could also associate Repeater subfields with the available InfoWindow elements:

  • Image;

  • Title;

  • Content;

  • Read More, link to another post.

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