This feature is deprecated. Please use Dynamic Tag - User Field instead.
With this widget, you can display User Fields stored in DB.
Show Native WP User Fields:
first_name, last_name, display_name, nickname, the name shown to the public;
url, unique link to the user;
locale, the preferred language of the User;
Avatar, the image from Gravatar related to its email.
Complete support for Meta fields:
Meta Box;
Custom Meta;
Native WP Meta.
Text Before: to show custom or dynamic text before the user returns the meta value.
Before - List or Block - Whether to show items in an inline list or block layout.
Multiple Usermeta: If multiple user metas have the same meta_key, you can filter to show all occurrences, not just the first or last occurrence.
The value will be rendered as:
AUTO, dynamically selects the best solution to display the value
CUSTOM, use Token to create a custom HTML structure
ID, an int, or an array of integers, you can render as the correspondent object(Post, User, Term)
Text, render the value stored in DB as simple text
Button, use the value as Url or Text of a Button
Date, manipulate the date, and show it in a custom format
Image, shows the value of the image as its URL.
Map, generate a Google Maps with value as an address
Multiple, show an array, like a multi-select or relation
Repeater, create the structure of the single row of a Repeater (like ACF Repeaters) and use it for each of them
If the Meta is empty or does not exist, you can display other content.