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User Fields
Updated over 8 months ago

This feature is deprecated. Please use Dynamic Tag - User Field instead.

With this widget, you can display User Fields stored in DB.

Show Native WP User Fields:

  • first_name, last_name, display_name, nickname, the name shown to the public;

  • url, unique link to the user;

  • locale, the preferred language of the User;

  • Avatar, the image from Gravatar related to its email.

Complete support for Meta fields:

  • ACF;

  • JetEngine;

  • Meta Box;

  • PODS;

  • Toolset;

  • Custom Meta;

  • Native WP Meta.

Text Before: to show custom or dynamic text before the user returns the meta value.

Before - List or Block - Whether to show items in an inline list or block layout.

Multiple Usermeta: If multiple user metas have the same meta_key, you can filter to show all occurrences, not just the first or last occurrence.


The value will be rendered as:

  • AUTO, dynamically selects the best solution to display the value

  • CUSTOM, use Token to create a custom HTML structure

  • ID, an int, or an array of integers, you can render as the correspondent object(Post, User, Term)

  • Text, render the value stored in DB as simple text

  • Button, use the value as Url or Text of a Button

  • Date, manipulate the date, and show it in a custom format

  • Image, shows the value of the image as its URL.

  • Map, generate a Google Maps with value as an address

  • Multiple, show an array, like a multi-select or relation

  • Repeater, create the structure of the single row of a Repeater (like ACF Repeaters) and use it for each of them


If the Meta is empty or does not exist, you can display other content.

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